Bugs in transportation app Moovit gave hackers free rides

Over the past year, a vulnerability in the popular transportation application Moovit has been exploited by hackers to access free rides. Moovit is a multi-modal transport app that combines data from public transit, ride-share, bike share, and scooter providers, allowing users to easily plan, navigate, and track their trips all from the same app. It’s… Continue reading Bugs in transportation app Moovit gave hackers free rides

Plant-based seafood startup the ISH Company rides new funding wave toward pipeline commercialization

The ISH Company, a plant-based seafood startup, has announced that it has closed a $5 million seed funding round to help it move towards commercialization. Founded by former Amazon executive Richard Brown and his wife Kari, the ISH Company is committed to providing an environmentally sustainable, healthy and delicious alternative to conventional seafood. ISH stands… Continue reading Plant-based seafood startup the ISH Company rides new funding wave toward pipeline commercialization

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