Controversy erupts over non-consensual AI mental health experiment [Updated]

The recent controversy over the ethics of a non-consensual artificial intelligence (AI) mental health experiment, conducted by Stanford researchers, have raised a host of new questions about the future of AI in healthcare. The researchers conducted the experiment in order to evaluate the accuracy of their AI-based mental health detection algorithm, using data collected from… Continue reading Controversy erupts over non-consensual AI mental health experiment [Updated]

Controversy erupts over non-consensual AI mental health experiment

In recent news, a large controversy has emerged over a mental health experiment that studied the effects of AI chatbots on people’s mental health without consent. The experiment, conducted by researchers at the University of Essex in the UK, as well as applied AI company Mindstrong Health, introduced AI counseling for participants without their knowledge… Continue reading Controversy erupts over non-consensual AI mental health experiment

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