Free data-center heat is allegedly saving a struggling public pool $24K a year

In today’s economy, communities are looking for innovative ways to cut down on expenses and save money. In the city of San Antonio, Texas, one public swimming pool has found an innovative way to make ends meet that is gaining national attention — using recycled heat from a nearby data center to warm its pool.… Continue reading Free data-center heat is allegedly saving a struggling public pool $24K a year

Infinity Pool is a surreal and chaotic descent into depravity

Most people think of infinity pools as a peaceful, fun retreat from their daily worries, with their vast expanse of clean blue water inviting people to indulge in its depths and feel relaxed. However, unbeknownst to the majority, an infinitesimal minority exist living in the depths of infinity pools, dwelling in a never-ending abyss of… Continue reading Infinity Pool is a surreal and chaotic descent into depravity

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