The human costs of the AI boom

The human costs of the AI boom

The technology of artificial intelligence (AI) has been rapidly advancing in recent years, with applications in robotics, digital security, and more. However, the AI boom has come with substantial human costs, as people are replaced with AI, duplicated by AI, and even manipulated by AI.

The rise of AI has created a displacement trend for many workers, with both blue-collar and white-collar workers facing the prospect of being replaced by automation. Blue-collar workers are particularly susceptible, as automation can perform labor and manufacturing tasks much faster and cheaper than people. This has resulted in layoffs for many low-skilled workers, with some estimates suggesting that up to 47% of all jobs in America could potentially be replaced by AI by 2035.

On the other hand, AI has also been used to replicate human labor. This has been done through projects such as IBM’s Watson Project which uses machine learning techniques to produce computer-generated images and videos. This type of automation has the potential to eliminate the need for humans altogether in certain fields, further contributing to the displacement of potential workers.

Finally, AI technology has been used in the manipulation of public opinion, primarily through things such as automated bot accounts and political advertisement algorithms. This has the potential to create a distorted view of the public’s opinion, and many believe it may have had a detrimental effect on recent elections throughout the world.

Overall, the human costs of the AI boom are undeniable. Although the technology holds the promise of advancing our society, the effects of automation and AI manipulation of public opinion cannot be ignored. It is likely that these ethical implications will be an important factor in AI’s development, and it is important that the public remains aware of the potential consequences of the AI revolution.

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