Mozilla revamps its read-it-later app Pocket with new tabs and curated recommendations

Mozilla revamps its read-it-later app Pocket with new tabs and curated recommendations

Mozilla, one of the most popular browsers, has just announced the revamp of their read-it-later app Pocket. The new version of Pocket has several new features, such as tabs and curated recommendation.

Pocket, a “read-it-later” app helps users to store and organize content for later viewing. The new revamp provides several helpful updates to the app. First, there are now tabs in Pocket. This allows users to keep track of multiple topics and stories in an organized way. Each tab can be customized with different topics or trends, so users can easily find the stories they’re looking for.

One of the coolest features of the new Pocket is curated recommendations. The app now automatically suggests content that is related to stories that the user has already saved. This means that Pocket can suggest relevant stories even if they aren’t directly related to what the user is already reading. This makes it easier to find the stories the user will be interested in, and it also helps to keep the app updated and relevant.

Mozilla has also included an editor’s choice feature, where content selected by Pocket’s editor team is highlighted. These stories are generally more current, and can often provide insight into the latest news and trends.

Overall, the new revamp of Pocket provides users with an intuitive and organized way to keep track of their stories and content. The tabs, curated recommendations, and editor’s choice feature are all helpful additions that make the app more useful and convenient. Pocket is one of the best read-it-later apps available, and this revamp only makes it better.

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