Pentagon Employees Are Too Horny to Follow National Security Protocols

Pentagon Employees Are Too Horny to Follow National Security Protocols

In a shocking revelation made by Pentagon employees, it has been revealed that the desire for “horny fun” within the Defense Department has gotten so out of hand that it is leading to a clear and present danger to our national security.

Recent reports, have revealed that many Pentagon employees have been engaging in risky behavior, such as requests made to foreign nationals to meet or provide services and payment to foreign nationals with access to sensitive information. In all of these cases, protocols are rarely followed as the personnel become too taken with the fantasy of sexual gratification.

The failure to follow protocols has led to a major failure of the national security of the United States. This has opened us up to potential security breaches, as well as a threat to the morale of the defense department, which could lead to a decrease in morale.

It has also been revealed that Pentagon personnel are also engaging in sexual relationships with foreign nationals, often outside of the parameters of the Defense Department’s code of conduct. This type of behavior is dangerously reckless and is a further indication of the lack of respect for the protocols and guidelines set out by the Defense Department.

The military’s own Defense Advisory Committee for Women in the Services (DACOWITS) recently released the following statement: “As the American public engages in wartime debates and discussions, we at DACOWITS understand the importance of preserving military integrity, by ensuring that our personnel are held accountable for their behavior and conduct, and that national security protocols are closely followed.”

With such strong statements made by top military officials, it is clear that they take the issue of personnel engaging in inappropriate sexual relations very seriously. It is an issue that needs to be addressed quickly and thoroughly, with consequences that are stiff and stern.

If we are to maintain the highest levels of security and trust in the Pentagon, strict protocols must be followed. As such, the leadership of the Defense Department should take immediate action to ensure that national security protocols are followed and that personnel understand the serious consequences that can arise from engaging in illegal activities, regardless of sexual attraction. Hopefully, with such strict guidelines in place and implemented, the Pentagon can be a safe, secure environment for all workers, both male and female.

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