Polling the Internet: Disinformation or Not?

Polling the Internet: Disinformation or Not?

In the digital age, the internet is almost inescapable. People rely on it for anything from online dating to shopping to keeping up with friends and family. Now, it is even utilized to conduct polls for research purposes. While the internet has made polling more efficient and cost effective, there is growing concern about using internet polling due to the introduction of disinformation.

Disinformation is false information intentionally spread with the intent to cause confusion and harm. When disinformation enters the realm of polling, it can severely impact the accuracy of the research results. This is especially problematic because these results can be used to inform policies and drive decision making. Without reliable information, our societies could be making choices based on unreliable information.

Inaccuracies can be introduced into internet polling through a variety of methods. One way is by malicious actors sending fake responses. Another is through polluting algorithms. These algorithms are programmed to recognize the topic of the poll and generate answers that are beneficial to the creator. Finally, poll participants can also be easily manipulated by biased or misleading questions.

To address this concern, there are many organizations that have developed practices and protocols to help detect and eliminate sources of disinformation. These organizations also provide guidelines for how internet polling organizations should conduct their research. For example, many organizations now require organizations to conduct identity checks on all responders in order to ensure that each response is from a legitimate source.

Overall, internet polling is a very convenient way to gather data and opinions from a wide audience. However, it is important to ensure the accuracy of the data in order to avoid the consequences of relying on disinformation. With the proper protocols in place, polling organizations can be confident that their data is reliable.

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