Steam Deck modders rejoice: Valve is bringing third-party display mod support, which could open up more modding in the future

Steam Deck modders rejoice: Valve is bringing third-party display mod support, which could open up more modding in the future Valve, the renowned gaming company behind the popular Steam platform, has always been a proponent of modding in the gaming community. With the recent announcement of their handheld gaming device, the Steam Deck, Valve is… Continue reading Steam Deck modders rejoice: Valve is bringing third-party display mod support, which could open up more modding in the future

We Put 7 Food Steamers to the Test With Veggies and Dumplings (2024)

In recent years,⁤ there has⁢ been a growing trend towards healthier eating habits. With people becoming more conscious of the nutritional ​value of their meals, steaming​ has⁤ gained popularity as a cooking method due to its ability to retain the natural⁢ nutrients and flavors⁣ of⁣ food. In order‌ to find the best food⁤ steamer on… Continue reading We Put 7 Food Steamers to the Test With Veggies and Dumplings (2024)

The Wireless Horipad for Steam looks like a spiritual successor to the Steam controller and it’s launching later this year

The gaming community was shocked when Valve announced the discontinuation of their revolutionary Steam controller back in 2019. It was a game-changer, introducing innovative touchpad controls and redefining how players interacted with their games. However, gamers can now rejoice as a potential successor, the Wireless Horipad for Steam, is set to be launched later this… Continue reading The Wireless Horipad for Steam looks like a spiritual successor to the Steam controller and it’s launching later this year

Steam players’ use of controllers has tripled since 2018

Steam players’ use of controllers has tripled since 2018 Gaming has evolved tremendously in recent years, with enhanced graphics, immersive stories, and multiplayer options making it more engaging than ever. Traditionally, gaming enthusiasts relied on a keyboard and mouse to navigate through virtual worlds. However, recent statistics from Steam, a renowned digital distribution platform for… Continue reading Steam players’ use of controllers has tripled since 2018

Steam Game Recording might be one of its best features yet, allowing players to capture and share footage using the launcher itself

When it comes to gaming, one of the most exciting aspects is being able to share your experiences with others. Whether it’s an incredible in-game achievement, a funny glitch, or a jaw-dropping moment, gamers love to capture and share their gameplay footage. Steam, the popular gaming platform, understands this desire and has implemented a fantastic… Continue reading Steam Game Recording might be one of its best features yet, allowing players to capture and share footage using the launcher itself

Can Steam Deck get even better? Nvidia’s expanded GeForce NOW support is a resounding yes

The gaming world has been buzzing with excitement since the announcement of Valve’s Steam Deck. A handheld gaming device that promises the power and versatility of a gaming PC in the palm of your hand. With its impressive hardware and the ability to run your entire Steam library, the Steam Deck is already generating a… Continue reading Can Steam Deck get even better? Nvidia’s expanded GeForce NOW support is a resounding yes

Reports rolling in that Steam Deck OLEDs seem to develop cracks on its cases

Reports Rolling In: Steam Deck OLEDs Seem to Develop Cracks on Their Cases The much-anticipated release of the Steam Deck, a handheld gaming device developed by Valve Corporation, has sparked excitement among gamers worldwide. With its promise of powerful hardware and the ability to play PC games on-the-go, the Steam Deck seemed like a dream… Continue reading Reports rolling in that Steam Deck OLEDs seem to develop cracks on its cases

GuliKit’s Steam Deck dock looks like a Super Nintendo

Do you long for the retro gaming days? Is the Super Nintendo a gaming console that holds a special place in your heart? If your answer to these questions is a resounding yes, then you may be interested in the new Steam Deck dock from GuliKit. The Steam Deck dock is a small, easy-to-use dock… Continue reading GuliKit’s Steam Deck dock looks like a Super Nintendo

Baldur’s Gate 3 on the Steam Deck plays better than it looks

If you’ve been keeping up with the gaming industry, then you’ve probably heard of Baldur’s Gate 3 – the latest installment in the popular RPG series. Although the game has been out for a while on PC and Stadia, it’s now making its way to the Steam Deck, giving gamers the chance to experience it… Continue reading Baldur’s Gate 3 on the Steam Deck plays better than it looks

Baldur’s Gate 3 on the Steam Deck looks bad but plays great

Developers have been struggling for decades to make truly great video game experiences, but Baldur’s Gate 3 looks to have broken the mold. The game is a sequel to the classic RPG of the 1990s, reimagining the series in a modern setting. However, the game’s graphics don’t stand out as much as other titles, leading… Continue reading Baldur’s Gate 3 on the Steam Deck looks bad but plays great

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