Steam Deck modders rejoice: Valve is bringing third-party display mod support, which could open up more modding in the future

Steam Deck modders rejoice: Valve is bringing third-party display mod support, which could open up more modding in the future Valve, the renowned gaming company behind the popular Steam platform, has always been a proponent of modding in the gaming community. With the recent announcement of their handheld gaming device, the Steam Deck, Valve is… Continue reading Steam Deck modders rejoice: Valve is bringing third-party display mod support, which could open up more modding in the future

Can Steam Deck get even better? Nvidia’s expanded GeForce NOW support is a resounding yes

The gaming world has been buzzing with excitement since the announcement of Valve’s Steam Deck. A handheld gaming device that promises the power and versatility of a gaming PC in the palm of your hand. With its impressive hardware and the ability to run your entire Steam library, the Steam Deck is already generating a… Continue reading Can Steam Deck get even better? Nvidia’s expanded GeForce NOW support is a resounding yes

Pitch Teardown

Pitching a company to potential investors is no easy task, requiring both creative presentation and persuasive content. BusRight, a New York-based transportation startup, recently nailed their pitch with a $7M series A deck, and we’re here to break it down. From the start, BusRight crafted an exciting introduction, setting the tone for the entire presentation.… Continue reading Pitch Teardown

GuliKit’s Steam Deck dock looks like a Super Nintendo

Do you long for the retro gaming days? Is the Super Nintendo a gaming console that holds a special place in your heart? If your answer to these questions is a resounding yes, then you may be interested in the new Steam Deck dock from GuliKit. The Steam Deck dock is a small, easy-to-use dock… Continue reading GuliKit’s Steam Deck dock looks like a Super Nintendo

Leaked images reveal Lenovo’s Steam Deck competitor with a hint of the Switch

With the launch of the Nintendo Switch in 2017, it has since changed the standards of portable gaming; offering a console with gaming control capabilities in a handheld form factor. Now, with rumors of a competitor in the market, leaked images of Lenovo’s ‘Steam Deck’ have surfaced on the internet. Lenovo’s Steam Deck is an… Continue reading Leaked images reveal Lenovo’s Steam Deck competitor with a hint of the Switch

Pitch Teardown

Keen investors are familiar with the pitch decks that startups put together to woo potential investors. One company who recently made the rounds with a pitch deck was ANYbotics, a robotics company that closed their Series B with a $50 million investment. The company specializes in legged robots that traverse terrain and handle escalating complexity… Continue reading Pitch Teardown

Pitch Teardown

Anybotics, a Swiss robotics startup, recently received an impressive $50 million in Series B fundraising. While much of the company’s success can be attributed to the innovation of its products, its pitch deck also played an integral role in raising venture capital. Having secured so much funding, the pitch deck must have been top notch… Continue reading Pitch Teardown

Pitch Deck Teardown: Unito’s $20M Series B deck

Raising money can be crucial for a company’s success, and having a successful fundraising pitch is paramount for businesses to capitalize on. Unito, a workplace management startup, scored big with their $20M Series B pitch deck. Here’s a look into the elements that made this deck so successful. The deck starts off with an impressive… Continue reading Pitch Deck Teardown: Unito’s $20M Series B deck

Elgato’s Stream Deck XL has dropped to its best price of the year

Elgato, the manufacturer of gaming accessories, has just introduced its Stream Deck XL, a powerful streaming device, at its best price of the year. Stream Deck XL is designed for streamers, content creators, and gamers who are looking to step-up their stream production and broadcast with a streamlined experience. The Stream Deck XL features 32… Continue reading Elgato’s Stream Deck XL has dropped to its best price of the year

Pitch Deck Teardown: Diamond Standard’s $30M Series A deck

Today, we’re taking a look at Diamond Standard’s pitch deck to assess why they managed to secure $30 million in series A funding. Diamond Standard is a startup developing chemistry-enabled products that help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, thus tackling two of the biggest global issues of climate change and air pollution. The pitch… Continue reading Pitch Deck Teardown: Diamond Standard’s $30M Series A deck

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